(Roy Bhansingh (second from left) with members of the fire station)

IAM District Lodge 78 recently ran a food and toy drive to help families during this holiday season. “These donations will go a long way to help those in need in the community,” said Brother Roy Bhansingh, Business Representative and Organizer, who delivered the collection of food and toys to the local fire hall.

“The motto of the IAM is ‘Justice on the Job, Service to the Community’ and our organization takes the “Services to the Community” very seriously, said Kim Valliere, Directing Business Representative for IAM District 78. “There was a monetary donation made to the Daily Bread Food Bank,” added Valliere.

Continued Valliere, “We know there are a lot of families that are struggling and we wanted to do what we could to help out. I would like to thank all our members, staff and locals that donated. Our team at District Lodge 78 put this together and did a fantastic job.”

District 78 represents a variety of job classifications in many sectors throughout Ontario.

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For more information:
Kim Valliere (kvalliere@iamdl78.org)
Directing Business Representative, IAM District 78


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: IAM District Lodge 78 food and toy drive a huge success