Winnipeg, MB – After ten months of hard bargaining, IAM Local Lodge 1953 members voted on a four-year contract with some important gains and a resolution to some ongoing issues.

“This was a long process but the Bargaining Committee stood tall and finally got a deal we could bring to the membership,” said Glenn Tomchak, Directing Business Representative for IAM District 181 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The 583 members, working at Motor Coach Industries, voted on the deal last week. The new contract brings with it a 12.5% increase in wages over 4the life of the contract, retroactive pay, the inclusion of Truth and Reconciliation Day as a paid holiday, an increase in bridging (for pensions), a safety boot allowance, increased vision and dental care and an enhancement of bereavement leave.

The Bargaining Committee, consisting of Glenn Tomchak, Patrick Dram, Southsamone Kongmanivong, Roberto Quirante, Kevin Baillie and Rennie Saj all showed great dedication to negotiating the deal and “getting it done’.

Local Lodge 1953 represents the unionised workers at Motor Coach Industries Limited in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Members manufacture highway passenger buses for the North American motor coach industry

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For more information:
Glenn Tomchak (
Directing Business Representative
IAM District 181


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Important gains for members as Local Lodge 1953 ratifies new contract