Monday, 19 October, 2020
For immediate release

Mississauga, ON – IAM Local 717T members employed by Magellan Aerospace ratified a new three-year agreement over the weekend. IAM members are meeting the challenge of representing members during the difficulty period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The bargaining committee understood the priorities of our members, they worked together and worked hard. While negotiating via unfamiliar platforms, such as Zoom, their efforts made it possible to achieve increases to wages each year of the agreement, improvements to health benefits, weekly indemnity top-ups and safety footwear allowances which were all priorities for the bargaining unit,” said Kim Valliere, Directing Business Representative for IAM District 78.

Located in Mississauga, Magellan manufactures complex machined and fabricated turbine aerospace engine components. They also provide complete repair and overhaul service for commercial, military, and industrial gas turbines. They became a chartered local of the IAM in 1953.

For more information:
Kim Valliere, Directing Business Representative, IAM DL78

Photo: Members of the Bargaining Committee (From left to right), Maurizio Romanelli, Andy MaGennis (Shop Committee Chair, standing), Chris Baker, President (seated), Rob Williamson


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: New Contract at Magellan Aerospace