British Columbia General Elections
Saturday, 24 October, 2020

With election day only days away, polls are showing the support for the NDP remains strong among all demographics and regions.

“There continues to be little appetite for change in this election,” said Ipsos vice-president Kyle Braid.

John Horgan is leading by a wide margin on the question of who is best to lead the province, with 45 percent of respondents saying he would make the best premier.

Respondents also said that when it comes to issues important to the voters of British Columbia the NDP has the backing of the majority of decided voters, respondents say what is most important is a party with a credible plan that invests in services such as health care, education and child care.

We need to elect an experienced government to ensure the province continues to get through the COVID-19 pandemic keeping British Columbians safe and the economy moving.

Get out and vote


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: BC – GET OUT AND VOTE!