Sisters and Brothers, I hope this finds you well.

April 28th is our National Day of Mourning.

It’s a day when we remember those who lost their lives or were injured as the result of a workplace tragedy.

This is particularly painful at this time for IAM members of Local Lodge 99 and District 14 in Alberta, who recently saw a member lose his life in a workplace accident.

In 2019, 925 workers across the country lost their lives at work. They died on the job.

The stats from 2020 will be worse, with Covid-related deaths and exposures.

We know that many workers in this Covid crisis risk it all for us.

And we know the virus spreads at work.

We are all workers. As a Union, we call on all governments to legislate paid sick leave.

We must ensure all workers are safe on the job.

Employers must be held accountable.

Employers must provide frontline workers with the PPE they need and training to use it safely.

We must ensure that safety of the worker always comes first.

In the midst of this pandemic, we must ensure the safety of long-term care workers, patient care workers, and all front line workers.

We must ensure safety for ALL workers, and Hold. Employers. Accountable!

On this day, our message continues: we mourn for the dead and fight for the living.

Let’s continue our fight for safer workplaces. So we can avoid any more needless tragedies.

And on April 28th please join me in a moment of silence on Canada’s National Day of Mourning.


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: GVP Stan Pickthall Remarks – Day of Mourning 2021