No other industry has felt the pressure to evolve and adapt to new realities due to the pandemic like air transportation. In fact, the industry’s adaptability is crucial to its survival. Airlines and airports have turned to technology as part of their re-start plan, and safe travel is at the center of it. The industry’s response has been forward thinking, and includes a plan to manage this pandemic and prepare for  future ones, too.

So, what might travel look like once borders open and travel restrictions lift? Biometrics, contactless technologies, and apps that control flow within airports are just some of the features that will become the new norm. We’ve become accustomed to self-service kiosks, but expect to see an upgrade to them next time you travel. New kiosks will use contactless technology, which projects the keyboard just above the surface to avoid contact. These new technologies are fascinating and cutting edge, and although these measures will help in limiting the spread of communicable and airborne diseases, we can’t forget about the other side of the story: the effect on worker’s jobs.

To learn about fully automated airports, watch the video below about the world’s first airport with a fully automated terminal; Singapore’s Changi airport.

“Singapore’s new ‘contactless’ airport terminal”, BBC News Nov.4, 2017.



Stay tuned for next week, when we begin sharing some of our member’s experiences with technology in their workplaces.



This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: The Future of Work: Air Transportation