Winnipeg, MB – Members of Local Lodge 1848 in northern Manitoba overwhelmingly ratified their new contract with 92% voting in favour. There were a number of gains including wage increases of 2%, 2,25% and 2.75%

“There are mines across the country that are taking concessions from their members while we were able to achieve improvements in financial and medical issues,” said Tony Didoshak, IAM Grand Lodge Representative. “We got an increase in the Defined Benefit pension plan of $.50 per month in the first year and $1.10 and $1.10 in the next 2 years. There is also an increase in pension bridging of $2.00 over the 3.5 years,” he said.

The Negotiations Committee was also successful in denying the company’s request for new hires to have a Defined Contribution pension plan. “This is something we feel is crucial to our members,” Didoshak explained. “I would also like to thank the Negotiations Committee for their solidarity and hard work in these trying times.”

There were also improvements in extended health services and the introduction of a Short-Term Disability plan for the membership. Other improvements to the Collective agreement will take care of the membership now and into the future.

This just goes to show that what we always say is true: “it pays to belong to a union, especially the IAMAW”.

IAM Local Lodge 1848 members perform skilled trades at mining and smelting operations at Hudbay mining, some 800 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg. They celebrated 75 years of IAM membership in May 2019.


For more information:
Tony Didoshak


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Northern Manitoba members ratify new contract