26 July, 2021
Toronto, ON – In late 2020, the 125 workers at Bellwood health Services voted to join the IAM. Last week, they ratified their first agreement.
Kim Valliere, IAM District 78 Directing Business Representative said of the membership, “these workers were desperate for some workplace structure and protections. Now that we have an agreement in place, we can use it and other resources to assist them.” After several months of negotiations, interrupted by COVID-19, these workers have an agreement they can be proud of.
The new members can truly live by the motto: Good Jobs. Better Lives. Unions Stand Up for Fairness.
Bellwood is an addictions and healthcare center located in Toronto. Our members include Nurses, Clinicians, Counsellors, Housekeeping, Kitchen staff and others. They are members of Local Lodge 1295, which represents hundreds of healthcare workers.
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For more information:
Kim Valliere, Directing Business Representative
IAM District (kvalliere@iamdl78.org)
This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Bellwood Members Ratify First Agreement