For immediate release
22 September, 2021

Brampton, ON – IAM District 78 organisers were immediately impressed with the determination of workers at Vision Truck Group in Brampton, Ontario. The short campaign, only 3 weeks ago in length, led to 66 workers voting to join the IAM.

“They stuck to their plan: getting a union. We were pleased to know they had confidence in the IAM and what we had to offer,” said Rootisha Rampat-Sukhu, DL78 Organiser. “They were strong-willed and knew exactly what they wanted – not just any union – they wanted the IAM!”

Although the average age of the workers is quite young – most are in their early twenties – the new members were determined to get a pension plan. “When we explained the IAM Labour-Management Pension Fund (LMPF), they were impressed, said Rampat Sukhu. All card-signers stayed true to the campaign and shared information with those who weren’t sure.

“They did their research and found the IAM online, said Roy Bhansingh, also Organiser for District 78. “They were looking for dignity, respect and fairness and when they voted, it was for those things! They knew the only way they would have a voice is through the union. We are now that voice. Now they can hold their heads high, and so can we.”

Issues that also played a part in them choosing the IAM were salaries, which were far below industry standard, as well as job. The new members will be part of IAM Local 235.

“We used some of the social media tools to help answer their questions and keep up-to-date on progress in the organising campaign, said Rampat Sukhu. That’s part of why we were able to go from card-signing to a vote in a very short time.” Bhansingh added that they were going to get bargaining surveys to the members and prepare for negotiations as soon as they could.

Vision Truck Group is a dealer for new Mack and Volvo trucks and trailers, as well as vehicles for all highway and vocational needs in 5 dealerships located in southern Ontario.

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Rootisha Rampat Sukhu and Roy Bhansingh


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Determination and grit bring 66 new members to LL1922