29 August, 2020
For immediate release

Mississauga, ON – IAM Local 1922 members at Filamat Composites ratified a new contract over the weekend. In addition to wage increases, the members will receive an increase to pension, more paid sick days and health benefits.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges in the world of contracts: the need to physically distance while meeting, bargaining with the employer and then ratifying the tentative agreement, all made it more difficult. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” said Roy Bhansingh, Business Representative for IAM District 78. “We always knew we would make it happen, and we did.”

Other improvements to the agreement include:

  • 3-year agreement
  • Wages and pension improvements
  • Safety boots and prescription safety glasses improvements
  • Increase of 1 floater day

Filamat Composites Inc. is an original equipment manufacturer of fiberglass reinforced products (FRP) used in stormwater, municipal water& wastewater, mining and solvent extraction, chemical processing, air treatment and pulp and paper processes.

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For more information:
Roy Bhansingh, Business Representative for IAM DL78


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Filamat members ratify agreement, new and improved