15 September, 2020
For immediate release

Montreal, QC – IAM members at Local 1660 in Montreal, QC voted to accept a 5-year contract with Dominion Sample. The members voted overwhelmingly to accept the new agreement.

The agreement contains some new, as well as many improvements, including:

  • wage increases of 2.75% for the first 2 years, and 3% for the last 3 years of the contract
  • new language on “Progressive Retirement” (which allows a member to gradually reduce the work week with a view to full retirement within five years)
  • improvement on leave without pay
  • new language on “knowledge transfer”. The new provision makes it possible, among other things, to recruit and train new workers through former retired workers for a period determined with the union and on an ad hoc basis. The latter pay the dues
  • a 10-minute increase in breaks during the summer period
  • improvement on overtime language, vacations, evening and night shift premiums
  • Improved sick leave (possibility of changing staff)
  • Promotion improvement (probation)
  • Improved payment for holidays
  • Health and safety improvement (PPE)

“With 90% voting in favour of the contract, we can be sure the next five years will provide some comfort to the members,” said Christian Bilodeau, Business Representative for IAM district 11. “The Bargaining Committee worked hard and long to get this agreement to the members, and it showed very positive results.”

Dominion Sample/Échantillions designs and manufactures innovative sampling and sales tools for the wall coverings, flooring, window treatments, textiles, trimmings, leather, upholstery, apparel, automotive and marine industries.

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For more information:
Christian Bilodeau – cbilodeau@aimtadistrict11.org
Business Representative, IAM District 11


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: New and improved – IAM Local 1660 ratifies new contract