29 September, 2020
For immediate release

Fort Frances, ON – After rejecting the first tentative agreement in August 2020, the members at IAM Local Lodge 1120 in Fort Francis working for Kal Tire have ratified their new collective agreement. The ratification assures labour peace between the parties for the next two years.

“We made some gains for our members, and they’ve seen the value of it,” said Tony Didoshak, Grand Lodge Representative (GLR). This is a 2-year agreement that will see an increase in wages of: 2% in first year and 1.5 to 2.5 % in the second year, depending of the Ontario Consumer Price index (CPI). Other highlights include:

  • A guarantee to negotiate an underground premium once the mine starts underground work
  • There was also an addition of $92.00 / month as an expense incentive for all members
  • An increase from $250.00 to $350.00 in work boot allowance
  • Additional bargaining representative and increase in paid hours from 40 to 56
  • A guarantee that the company will give 3-month notice prior to the cancellation of camp for the member
  • Wage increases retroactive to 01 September, 2020
  • Ability to do mutual shift trades
  • Guarantee on the company side for advancements in classification levels if the member does all they can but the company has not supplied sign offs

“I would like to take this time to thank both Don Woods and Walter Prymak for their assistance and dedication to the negotiations of this agreement,” Didoshak said.

The tire technicians perform tire repair, changing and overhaul on the heavy equipment used in the mining operation. This is the first Kal Tire organized by the IAM in Ontario. The IAM also represents workers at Kal Tire outlets in British Columbia and Alberta.

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For more information:
Tony Didoshak, GLR, IAM Canada


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Technicians at Kal Tire in Thunder Bay ratify agreement the second time around