Workers at SkyCafe­ Ottawa, as well as the non-unionized leads in Toronto, signed union cards and have chosen to join the IAM at a time when they know the union is heading to a bargaining table.

The bargaining unit is now made up of all employees at the Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga and the Ottawa International Airport except dispatchers, supervisors and those above the rank of supervisor.

The addition of these other non-unionized workers which includes workers at the Ottawa airport adds to our collective strength and solidarity and should provide for additional strength and influence at the bargaining table.

Through the filings at the Labour Board and discussions between the parties, the bargaining unit is now made up of “all employees of Sky Café Ltd., at the Toronto Pearson International Airport in Mississauga and the Ottawa International Airport in Ontario save and except dispatchers, supervisors and those above the rank of supervisor. Additionally, the parties shall bargain as required with respect to other work at airports in Ontario.”

Just over 3 years ago, workers at SkyCafe in Toronto sought to improve the terms and conditions of employment at their workplace. They exercised their democratic rights and collective wishes and chose to join the IAM. A first collective agreement was put together and overwhelmingly ratified by these proud new members of the IAM.

Even through these difficult COVID times, the IAM and its committee has been busy engaging its members to prepare for collective bargaining.

Workers are quickly realizing the importance of being unionized, especially during these COVID times and understand the value of having a large labour organization like the IAM, advocate for them.

IAM Local 2413 is scheduled to begin face-to-face contract negotiations with the Company in mid-January and will continue surveying the workers for their much-valued input.

Workers realize the importance of IAM Local 2413’s slogan: Don’t Beg, Bargain!

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Contact: Michael Corrado
General Chairperson, IAM District 140


This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: SkyCafé workers in Ottawa and Toronto expand LL2413 membership