In the last one hundred years, our societies have been witness to technological advancements not experienced before. As with every technological revolution, societies will undergo profound changes, which comes with improvements, disruptions and costs. As technological change forges ahead into new frontiers, opening new possibilities, and tantalizes our collective imaginations, it also leaves us in a state of uncertainty over what the future holds. The ebb and flow of change has destroyed occupations while creating new ones, and we know the tide of change cannot be stopped; the best we can do is understand and prepare for it.
From the forthcoming IAM Canada publication Charting Change: Workers’ Voices in an Automated World
#future, #EmergingTechnologies, #DigitalTransformation, #Automation, #MachineLearning, #AI, #WorkersFirst, #PuttingWorkersFirst
This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: Charting Change: Workers’ Voices in a Changing World