26 January, 2022
Ashcroft, BC – Ashcroft, BC – Forty members of IAM Local 692 have been locked out for 198 days and there is still no settlement in place.
Andrew Tricker, Business Representative for IAM District 250 has been travelling back and forth between Ashcroft, BC and Surrey, BC since July – a distance of almost 325 kilometres.
“The strain is showing on the members,” says Tricker. They’ve held together for so long, but the stress takes a toll. They’re still standing strong, but they could use some solidarity.”
The IAM is known as the “fighting Machinists”! Our members are standing strong, but we need your assistance. Every union regardless of the size, needs support. This employer is not treating workers with Respect, Dignity. Workers require us all to stand together shoulder to shoulder! You may ask, what is at stake? Who is next? If we allow this employer to win, workers lose. So please show support and send a donation and a message to the members of LL 692. LET’S SEND A STRONG MESSAGE OF SUPORT.
“The company has been using replacement workers (also known as scabs) to do the work. Where we had 40 skilled members doing the work, they now have 10 doing work that is probably very dangerous! From 18 or 19 truckloads leaving the plant, they now only have one or two.”
Your financial donations would be greatly appreciated, as well as your messages. Even though Ashcroft is a fairly remote community, I know they would find inspiration from your messages and any financial help you can send,” said Tricker.
All IAM locals received a Strike Appeal in November? December? – and some locals responded quickly. We are asking you to review your correspondence and consider supporting our members.
You can send email to atricker@iam250.org
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For more information:
Andrew Tricker
Business Representative, IAM District 250
This article was originally posted on the IAM Canada website. View the original post here: After Almost 200 days of being locked out! Members’ Solidarity is still Strong